In order to make your own CBD Oil at home, I’m going to present you some easy method, but some will be a bit expensive. Due to the recent trend with this oil, many people want to make their own oil at home, cheap and fast. It’s possible and can be really cheap if you know what to do. But first, this oil is really good for your body, providing really important oils that aren’t included in our daily diet, important vitamins and minerals, flavonoids, proteins and fatty omega acids which can do well in the long run. CBD isn’t what many believe it is, THC levels are low and it’s non-psychoactive that means that anybody can use it safely.
A first method is known to be really easy to do, by using Ethanol or any alcohol above 70% concentration. First, you need a plastic spoon and a bowl in order to mix up the cannabis leaves with the ethanol, after mixing for a few seconds you need to separate the brown color liquid using a piece of old curtain or a slip till the liquid is not containing any impurities. After that just leave it somewhere outside for 24 hours, in order for the ethanol to evaporate, then you have a pure CBD product.
This is the best-known method to do it at home, due to ethanol being a polar solvent or any alcohol above 70% concentration, all the ethanol/alcohol will evaporate leaving behind pure oil. More methods are available, but some are expensive and giving some hard headaches due to more work that needs it in order to obtain such oil.
First time trying this method will seem really hard, but it’s actually the easiest method available, alcohol can be bought from most stores and cannabis also available everywhere in our current days.